17 June 2022
VAN HOLLEN, SARBANES ANNOUNCE CHESAPEAKE NATIONAL RECREATION AREA WORKING GROUP PRINCIPLES TO GUIDE LEGISLATION: Members are Spearheading an Effort to Create a Chesapeake National Recreation Area to Benefit & Highlight the Bay Watershed
Today, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen and Congressman John Sarbanes (both D-Md.) announced the release of key principles guiding their work to create a unified Chesapeake National Recreation Area (CNRA), developed in conjunction with the working group the lawmakers have convened.…
15 June 2022
MEDIUM: Himno a favor del clima porque nuestra fe sin acción es incompleta
Cuando mis padres decidieron emigrar de Morelia, Michoacán, México, a los Estados Unidos en 1974, decidieron dejar todo y hacerlo frente a la posibilidad de proveer una estabilidad y un futuro mejor para sus hijos.…
15 June 2022
MEDIUM: Latinos in Colorado Advocate for Climate Action and Environmental Protections
As we gear up for the Latino Conservation Week, data from Colorado College’s 12th annual State of the Rockies Project Conservation in the West Poll demonstrates the Latino community’s continued commitment to conservation efforts and…
15 June 2022
PUBLIC NEWS SERVICE: PUBLIC Lands Act Promoted for National Rivers Month
June is National Rivers Month, and conservation groups are pressing the U.S. Senate to vote on the PUBLIC Lands Act, a bill that would add protections to 500 miles of rivers and more than a…
10 June 2022
PUBLIC NEWS SERVICE: Lagging in Vaccinations, TX Latinos Offered COVID Shots at Church
Promoting the theme "unity in community," the Hispanic Access Foundation has partnered with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to bring COVID-19 vaccine clinics to Latino churches in three Texas communities.
10 June 2022
NATIONAL PARKS CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION: Cesar E. Chavez and Farmworker Movement National Park Bill Introduced to Congress
A bill to create a new national historical park to mark the life of Cesar E. Chavez and the wider farmworker movement was today introduced to Congress by Rep Raul Ruiz and Senator Alex Padilla…