18 July 2022
EL PASO TIMES: Outdoor Adventures With His Grandfather Shaped Conservationist Gabe Vasquez as a Leader
Every time the train rumbled past his grandparents' home in Ciudad Juárez, Gabe Vasquez worried a coffee mug or picture frame might fall and shatter on the floor. The home was adjacent to a series…
18 July 2022
EL PASO TIMES: Get Outdoors, El Paso. Here's a Guide to Get Started.
The Franklin Mountains, the most prominent geologic feature rising above the center of El Paso, a Hispanic-majority city, are named after a white merchant who briefly owned a ranch in the mid-1800s near present-day downtown.
18 July 2022
US FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE: Agua es Vida - Water is Life
In celebration of Latino Conservation Week, San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Complex would like to highlight the importance of water in our wildlife refuges and its impact on local communities. Agua es Vida, in Spanish,…
18 July 2022
EL PASO TIMES: Conserve Home of the Mexican Yellow Poppy: Designate Castner Range as a National Monument
As a long-time resident of El Paso, I remember visiting Castner Range with my family during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic was the first time I realized I could hike the mountains,…
15 July 2022
PATCH: DC, NoVA Weekend Events: Fiesta Asia Street Fair, Bastille Day
WASHINGTON, DC — We've reached mid-July, and there are plenty of ways to get outdoors for some summer fun this weekend. The Northern Virginia and DC region has a variety of events, from Bastille Day…
15 July 2022
PATCH: Bilingual Hike and Cleanup Event at Hadley Valley
As part of the Forest Preserve District of Will County's The Preserves Are for You campaign and in celebration of Latino Conservation Week, the District is hosting a bilingual hike followed by a cleanup event. From 9 to…