News Coverage

21 February 2013

HUFFINGTON POST: Taxes Key for Latinos on Health Care, Immigration Future

For Latinos, the 2012 tax return presents significant opportunity. In fact, the potential impact of key legislative changes for the nation's fastest growing population is unprecedented. Starting in 2014, many people -- not just Latinos…
19 November 2012

Sierra Club: Defenders of the Colorado River Score Crucial Victory in Their Preservation Efforts

On Nov. 9, the Department of the Interior released a plan that would require oil shale companies to provide solid proof that their activities will balance the state’s economic and environmental needs before starting any…
12 October 2012

CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE: Concern for protecting nature spurs Catholic youths to visit Washington

As 19-year-old Annalisa Martinez put it, "It's our job to be leaders." She made the comment after she and a group of her peers from a Catholic parish in Denver met with Colorado's U.S. senators…
20 August 2012

HUFFINGTON POST: Champions for the Outdoors

Some people were surprised by the pro-conservation findings of a recent Sierra Club-National Council of La Raza national poll of Latino voters. I wasn't, and you wouldn't be either if you saw the thrilled faces…
24 April 2012

HUFFINGTON POST: Amplifying the Latino Voice About the Environment

Hispanics are passionate about their public parks and open spaces. Parks are often the center of family life and activities, used as social settings for picnics and get-togethers with family and friends. As such, their…
22 December 2011

Congress Answers Latino Youth's Call for Environmental Change

Our country’s steadfast efforts to protect the environment this year finally paid off last Saturday when Congress granted $322.9 million to the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) to protect lands and jobs in 2012.…

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Hispanic Access Foundation connects Latinos and others with partners and opportunities to improve lives and create an equitable society.

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