09 August 2020

Goodbyes and new beginnings…

As I finish out my fellowship with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), I am mixed with feelings of sadness and excitement for the future and new opportunities.
07 August 2020

Fisheries: Their Role in Conservation

Fish are considered a renewable resource due to their ability to reproduce. Fisheries management has a long and vast history worldwide with some areas managing their local fish populations for hundreds of years.
07 August 2020

Final Wrap Up

On the close of my internship, I am able to look back over the past 11 weeks and see the progress of my project. My fellow intern, Claire Yager and I were able to complete…
06 August 2020

The Latina Geographer as a Leader: The Superpower of the Geographic Lens x Lived Experience

Geography’s root words are “geo-” and “-graphy,” and in an academic and workplace environment that can intimidate me at times, knowing that I’m here “writing the Earth” is something that reminds me that I do…
06 August 2020

Crunch Time

Sitting in my mundane home office (really a desk in my bedroom), it feels like the days are longer and the weeks are shorter. With only four weeks left of my fellowship, I am beginning…
04 August 2020

Choosing To Stay On My Rock

Growing up on a tiny island in the Pacific Ocean, I’ve been surrounded by people who constantly say “When I get older I’m getting off this rock.” I guess that’s understandable considering for a lot…

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Hispanic Access Foundation connects Latinos and others with partners and opportunities to improve lives and create an equitable society.

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