05 April 2024

Forest Service Grants and Agreements: A Whole New World

I have been interning with the Grants and Agreements Unit or G&A (one of the many acronyms I have learned so far) for two months and I have only seen the tip of the iceberg.…
05 April 2024

Attending a Cocoa Symposium

A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity of attending the Cocoa Symposium, organized by our colleagues from the Caribbean Climate Hub. People who attended the event were from a wide range of sectors,…
05 April 2024

Puerto Rico, Here I Come- All about my first experience in Puerto Rico with the SPTF/UCF Team!

Hola Todos! This past month has been filled with so much highlights that it's hard to even know where to start. I mean, it's only right that I start off by giving credit to the…
04 April 2024

Working with ArcGis

Moving to a small town in Arizona after living in Miami, FL all my life was definitely not in my 2024 Bingo card. However, when the opportunity came to work with the U.S. Forest Service…
04 April 2024

Month 5: From the Taiga to the Tropics

The past few months with RTCA Alaska have been a whirlwind. They’ve been filled with travel to wonderfully unique places and an influx of so much new knowledge and perspective. The Alaska team has a…
02 April 2024

Latino Young Professionals for the Nation’s Future

The Latinos’ journey in the United States and territories is a call to action for individuals to rise, connect, and contribute to a future where diversity is not just acknowledged but celebrated into action. However,…

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Hispanic Access Foundation connects Latinos and others with partners and opportunities to improve lives and create an equitable society.

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